We’ve moved

Hello friends, Just a quick little note as after recently checking in on my stats here I discovered that there are a few lovely people out there still visiting this spot. That fact alone perks up this otherwise grey and dreary Tuesday. After a lot of time and a lack of idea of what to…

Raz el Hanout Spiced Banana Bread and foray into the unknown

I think the whole Myers Briggs test is kind of bullshit. I mean, deep down I wish it weren’t. I wish that whenever I wanted to get a better ‘sense of self’ I could just look that puppy up online, tick the boxes, press the return key and find out who I am and what…

New Mexican Frijoles… The Land of Enchantment is calling

I was born and raised in Cleveland Ohio, but I grew up in the true sense of the word, in New Mexico. From the age of twenty two, until nearly twenty six I lived in Albuquerque, moving there after I finished university with no idea what I wanted to do next, or how to be…

Pasta Frittata

My kitchen sometimes groans from the heavy weight of expectations we all set upon it. It must produce food that is delicious, interesting and varied, but also nutritious as there are two growing children here, economical (as there are TWO GROWING children here), quick (do you sense a theme in my parenthesis yet??), and must…

What I want to ask you is…

My life is divided up into a dichotomy; being surrounded by a lot of people and a lot of noise, and being completely by myself. It’s an interesting mix, giving me time to think of loads of questions to ask people, discussions to initiate, debates to have, when I’m by myself. And then absolutely no…


Oh hello this space. This Adrienne’sbrain.com space that has been consumed with to-do lists and writing for other things (like a legit book!), and dance/swimming/PE class schedules, and trying to make sure leftovers aren’t wasted and legal documents have been filed correctly and children haven’t been forgotten somewhere, and work deadlines aren’t overlooked completely and…

Ways we veg

There are many reasons and desires that come into play whenever we sit down for a meal. Hunger and necessity for food as a biological need of course, but food at some point for virtually everyone, can satisfy something more than just nourishing the body and providing energy. It can trigger memory, serve as a…

Basil, Coriander & Lemon Pesto

As a recent coriander convert and a pesto advocate it was only a matter of time before this idea struck. Deep in the midst of summer, still searching for quick and easy dishes that were interesting and vibrant, this pesto answered the call.

Grilled Aubergine Salad

Summer time cooking is always a bit of a complicated matter for me. Grocery stores, markets, and of course the relentless internet are all heaving with brightly coloured fresh and juicy produce; pinks, reds, yellows and greens popping out from every which way. And yet, my kitchen itself begins to sweat even before I’ve switched…


My late Grandma Ruth was an incredible traveler, and a terrible, terrible cook. She took to traveling quite late in her life, not having the funds or freedom to do so earlier. But once she stepped onto her first airplane bound for outside the US borders, the woman could not be stopped. My mother says…